Kayleen and Mom...
Meg and Holly
Stike a pose...
At the fair...
"Spider Woman"
The line to the show...
Motley Crue
was in town...
"Theory of a Dead Man" was the backup band...
Dean Back, bassist for Theory of a Dead Man
Slurp'n a XX
vince neil singing to Julie...
tommy lee mick mars
nikki sixx
vince neil and nikki sixx
motley crue
motley crue north dakota state fair minot
nikki sixx mick mars tommy lee
vince neil and nikki sixx
North Dakota State Fair Minot
2009 North Dakota State Fair
mick mars and tommy lee
nikki sixx
nikki sixx
vince neil
2009 North Dakota State Fair
The view from the grand stands
From the top of the Ferris Wheel...
Kayleen didn't really like it up there...
Time to go home...